Articles on Menopause
- Alzheimers
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- Endometriosis
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- Hormones
- Infertility and Pregnancy
- Men
- Menopause
- Oestrogen
- Osteoporosis
- Pre-Menopause
- Progesterone
- Toxins
Best alternative to HRT ..Natural Progesterone
Natural progesterone is the mother hormone from which a myriad of hormones can be synthesized in the body when and where they are needed. (including oestrogens). This therapy allows the body’s innate intelligence to manufacture exactly what the body needs. It is a non-invasive, natural way of dealing with imbalances that have now been caused […]
Oestrogen, or estrogen in the USA, is the female sex hormone. Text books will tell you that it is produced by the female ovaries and production declines to virtually nothing after menopause. Those text books are wrong.
Estrogen Dominance ..
Summery by Dr John LeeEstrogen dominance is a term coined by John R. Lee, M.D., the great pioneer in natural hormones. It refers to an excess of estrogen relative to not enough progesterone. In other words, you can have normal or low estrogen levels, but if you have low progesterone you will have estrogen dominance. […]
What Hormones should I take now that I am going through Peri-Menopause and Menopause?
You are well into peri-menopause and going into menopause at this stage, of life. Menopause is NOT a deficiency disease, but a needed change in our hormonal balance. The only extra hormone needed at any stage of life these days in this polluted world, in 95% of cases, is Progesterone because it is from this […]
Menopause Is Not A Deficiency Disease !
By Sally LongdenContemporary medicine views menopause as a “deficiency of oestrogen” disease, but Nature did not made a mistake. Menopause is not a deficiency, nor a “disease” at all. Menopause is a natural, necessary phase of life where huge personal development takes place—physical, mental and spiritual. A phase that every woman should go through naturally. […]
Menopause Explanation
by Sally Longden
Menopause Dr. Mercola’s Comments:
Menopause is a very common condition in women. However, it’s important to realize that menopause is not a disease condition that requires treatment, as many would have you believe. It’s a natural and normal event in every woman’s life that occurs when you stop having your period. Menopause is typically related to aging, and generally occurs […]
Hot Flushes: why Progesterone therapy will help
Exerpts from a letter ….. written by S Longden Progesterone is the mother hormone responsible for the whole D4 steroid pathway…. which consists of so many including your own cortizone and the stress hormones. Why I am telling you this, is so you can understand what is happening in your body and how to manage […]
Bioidentical Progesterone and Hot Flashes
Hot flashes usually begin when periods are still regular or are just starting to fluctuate. Hot flashes are often one of the first indications that menopause is approaching. Hot flashes are most uncomfortable in the first stages of perimenopause, gradually decreasing in frequency and intensity as the body adapts to the hormonal changes. Duration, frequency, […]
Why Progesterone Therapy as you age
Progesterone is a basic hormone responsible for the manufacturing of many very important hormones and is produced primarily in the Adrenal glands in men and woman. However it is also produced in large quantities in the ovaries in fertile females (to keep oestradial under control). Also huge amounts are released during pregnanacy.Before menopause, during the […]