Articles on Oestrogen
- Alzheimers
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Depression
- Endometriosis
- Health
- Hormones
- Infertility and Pregnancy
- Men
- Menopause
- Oestrogen
- Osteoporosis
- Pre-Menopause
- Progesterone
- Toxins
Hormonal balance is essential for good health
OESTROGEN DOMINANCE with its wide range of symptoms, is a MODERN AGE CONDITION that is effecting women, men, children and even the unborn foetus in this world today. ONLY since the advent of man-made chemicals more than 50 years ago
Perimenopause and Hormonal Balance from 30 to 50
Information from Dr. John Lee Has your doctor prescribed estrogen or progestin (Provera, contraceptives, ect.) pills or patches to treat your GYN problems? If he has and you are finding that things are getting worse instead of better, Dr. John R. Lee’s latest book, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PREmenopause,” may be […]
Pcod: How To Reverse.
All symptoms of oestrogen dominance and should disappear soon … But remember it does take 3 months for your body to completely heal and get back to normal after that pill has suppressed your own hormonal system. the worst thing to do is take extra oestrogen … these doctors who prescribe the pill, just do […]
Oestrogen, or estrogen in the USA, is the female sex hormone. Text books will tell you that it is produced by the female ovaries and production declines to virtually nothing after menopause. Those text books are wrong.
Estrogen Dominance ..
Summery by Dr John LeeEstrogen dominance is a term coined by John R. Lee, M.D., the great pioneer in natural hormones. It refers to an excess of estrogen relative to not enough progesterone. In other words, you can have normal or low estrogen levels, but if you have low progesterone you will have estrogen dominance. […]
PCOD : how to reverse.
All symptoms of Oestrogen dominance and should disappear soon … but remember it does take 3 months for your body to completely heal and get back to normal after that Pill has suppressed your own hormonal system. The worst thing to do is take extra oestrogen … these doctors who prescribe The Pill, just do […]
The Petro-Chemicals Exhaust fumesPesticides & herbicides on all inorganically grown foodsClingwrap, polystyrene, plastics … this should never be in contact with food or drinksSynthetic clothesVaseline and aqueous hand and body creamsShampoos and other personal care productsHousehold detergentsInsect replellantsInsecticides used in the homeWax floor polish, P.C.B.’s, phthalates and other industrial chemicals Paint, solvents, glues Petro-Chemicals = […]
6 Ways Men can Reduce Oestrogen Levels
The FDA announced a label revision for the 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (ARI) prostate and hair loss drugs, including finasteride (Proscar) and dusteride (Propecia). The revision follows the results of two large studies that looked at using these drugs for preventing prostate cancer. Both studies found that while the ARIs lowered the risk of low grade […]
An Excerpt from Hormone Heresy
Oestrogen’s Deadly Truth, Part 1 By Sherrill Sellman Women are misinformed about their hormones, to the detriment of their health, while drug companies reap huge profits at their expense. ………………..Enter Natural Progesterone For years, Dr Lee has conducted independent research into a natural, plant derived form of progesterone. His non-pharmaceutically-funded research presents a much broader […]
Oestrogen – the killer in our midst
This new book was a really big seller in Australia – I should have known that pesticides and xenoestrogens were a hot topic down under. Increasingly, oestrogen is being found to drive many cancers – like non-small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer, brain tumours and more. But, it’s not just a question of increasing cancer […]