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Amy is a 33 year old school teacher. All her life she has worked with kids, beginning with her first job at a day camp at age 16. For as long as she could remember, she had always dreamed of being a teacher because of her passion for working with kids. After college, she acquired her first job as an elementary school teacher, where she still works today.
Pregnancy and progesterone … it is so necessary
Amy is a 33 year old school teacher. All her life she has worked with kids, beginning with her first job at a day camp at age 16. For as long as she could remember, she had always dreamed of being a teacher because of her passion for working with kids. After college, she acquired her first job as an elementary school teacher, where she still works today.
Road to Hope for Female Infertility: Progesterone
Amy is a 33 year old school teacher. All her life she has worked with kids, beginning with her first job at a day camp at age 16. For as long as she could remember, she had always dreamed of being a teacher because of her passion for working with kids. After college, she acquired her first job as an elementary school teacher, where she still works today.
Hormones, Infertility and Pregnancy, Oestrogen
Hormonal balance is essential for good health
OESTROGEN DOMINANCE with its wide range of symptoms, is a MODERN AGE CONDITION that is effecting women, men, children and even the unborn foetus in this world today. ONLY since the advent of man-made chemicals more than 50 years ago
Oestrogen, Pre-Menopause, Progesterone
Perimenopause and Hormonal Balance from 30 to 50
Love it 0 Information from Dr. John Lee Has your doctor prescribed estrogen or progestin (Provera, contraceptives, ect.) pills or patches to treat your GYN problems? If he has and you are finding that things are getting worse instead of better, Dr. John R. Lee’s latest book, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About […]
Oestrogen, or estrogen in the USA, is the female sex hormone. Text books will tell you that it is produced by the female ovaries and production declines to virtually nothing after menopause. Those text books are wrong.
Infertility and Pregnancy, Progesterone
Pregnancy, Another Miracle
Love it 0 April 2017 Hello Sally, I am 38, no children and have had IVF done last month unsuccessfully. I have always suffered from very painful and heavy menstruation, anxiety, low energy, and, for the past 2 years, insomnia. When I started the ovarian stimulation (Gonal F injection) I started suffering from disturbing thoughts, […]