Pregnancy and progesterone … it is so necessary
THE most prevalent reason for Luteal Phase Abortion (the most common reason for infertility right now) , miscarriages and PND is lack of progesterone. You cannot accurately test progesterone levels with a blood test, so testing your progesterone levels is a waste of time. The truth is, we are all progesterone deficient due to our high levels of stress. The stress hormones, Adrenalin and Cortisol come directly from the progesterone molecule (known as the mother hormone of so many in the D4 steroid pathway)
I have a wonderful testimony to pass on to you which will really encourage you. I often get feed back from the odd individual, but when I visited Australia 4 years ago, I spoke to a group such as yours who were all struggling to have babies ….and 10 of the 15 in the group went onto Naturone. I visited last year (3 years later) and EVERY ONE of them had children, and some pregnant for the second time. I have NO DOUBT this works better than any dangerous drug out there.
For PND, the best present you can give a girl in labour is a jar of Naturone to rub on as soon as she delivers. We are the only species on the planet that does not get the progesterone (from the placenta) back into our bodies. With the exception of Tom Cruise and his wife and a few enlightened tribes around the world, we sadly lack the progesterone because we do not eat the placenta !!! Progesterone is not only good for the woman, but for the baby too … it is ‘Nature’s Valium’ and calms everyone down, promotes sleep and certainly stops the anxiety and panic attacks and negative thinking that is due to the deficiency of this vital hormone.
Although most woman who know about natural progesterone therapy use this before they fall pregnant, and continue using it to prevent luteal phase abortions, Naturone can be used at any stage of pregnancy to prevent later miscarriages too. The Placenta at later stages of pregnancy, however, usually produces enough progesterone to support the development of the foetus. If you have a history of miscarriages and feel the need, you can use Naturone during the entire 9 months.
Bear in mind, too, that progesterone is also VERY necessary for the childbirth process …. it stops women going into shock!!
You can use it during breast feeding (see above). The dose is 1ml twice daily and you must stop it once your first period starts. Then follow the 2 week off/2 week on regime … applying the cream according to your cycle. Progesterone is released just before ovulation and then maintains high levels for about another 12 days so that is why you do not use it in the first 12/13 days of the cycle.
Lastly, I want to say that you should endeavour never to be on medication…. It is absolutely possible through changes in your lifestyle and eating habits, and getting your hormones balanced, that NO drug should be necessary. ALL dis-ease is due to some imbalance !
For more info please read my webpage and info on progesterone,