PCOD : how to reverse.
All symptoms of Oestrogen dominance and should disappear soon … but remember it does take 3 months for your body to completely heal and get back to normal after that Pill has suppressed your own hormonal system. The worst thing to do is take extra oestrogen … these doctors who prescribe The Pill, just do not know what to do, because they are only listening to the Pharmaceutical companies …. and their reps.
Your PCOD is caused by your past bad eating habits. So with a change in diet and with the help of progesterone, all will come back to normal …. never fear ! The best eating plan to follow that will not make you feel stressed is ……….. Simply go back to Nature. You seem to be doing this anyway, but Avoid all junk food, and that includes anything in a packet or a tin, because anything man has played around with is damaged food, full of additives that are the main cause of this oestrogen dominance. Eat fresh Organic fruit and veg as your main source of food, and at least 70% raw (so salads with everything and a smoothie for breakfast). You can eat organic free range, grass fed meat as well. Avoid animal meat that has been raised in feed lots because this is full of the toxins you are trying to avoid. Avoid all refined carbohydrates, In fact whilst you are losing this weight, cut out all carbohydrates (this includes grains) completely. This is called the Banting diet, but is very healthy and effective in losing weight.
Please avoid the Xeno-oestrogens in skin care products …. go to natural/organic ranges.
Take care and take full responsibility for your health.